Initially, customers can contact us via phone or email and we can give you an indicative estimate of price, likely quality and quantity of groundwater on your property.
This information is usually based on the location of the property, bores we have completed in the area and general knowledge of groundwater in that area.
If your property is in a location with unknown or variable bore outcomes, test drilling will be required, to determine the groundwater volume and quality.
We can conduct a site visit if possible, to discuss bore location and give general information about the process and likely yields on your property.
Our drillers are very knowledgeable about how to fulfil your water requirements and can offer valuable information about the best way of using your bore water.
As the owner of the property, you should inform us of the location of any underground services, cables, etc.
A current Works Licence (Bore Construction Licence) from Southern Rural Water is required prior to drilling your bore. We can assist with processing this licence for our customers.
Once the bore is completed, we can inform the customer of the water quality and flow rate obtained. After this process and consultation with the property owner about their requirements, a suitable pump will be ordered, installed and the bore will be ready to use.